Sam and I have been in Pennsylvania a week now, and we'll still be here until Monday. We've been so busy! Sam met his Uncle Andrew and Uncle Billy (Uncle Tommy was there the day he was born) he got to see his Nana and Grandpa again. Grandmama and Grandpa came over one day, and so did Mommy's godfather. He met Mommy's best friend, Analyn, he went to dinner with all of Mommy's Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins. He met Mommy's Nanny and Poppop. He went to a wedding to meet all of Mommy's ballet friends, and he went to Maryland to visit Grandmama's work and Mommy's old roommate Sarah and her little baby Rachel. Busy busy busy! We still have more visits and a family reunion planned for the last few days. This mama is exhausted!! Sam has been sleeping great in the pack-n-play at night, and napping wonderfully in the swing during the day, I just haven't been sleeping so great. I'm obviously having an awesome time seeing friends and family, but OH BOY do I miss my husband! It seems extra weird to be away from him this time for some reason. I know he's missing us too, but in a few more days our little family will be together again :)
Can I just brag a bit about how incredibly good my little boy is?? I mean really! On the plane: Nursed during take-off, slept like a rock, nursed a bit more during the landing, perfect little angel at the airport. Driving to Nicole's wedding: Needed to stop only once to feed him on the drive up, not a peep out of him all the hours at the wedding. He just smiled and looked around and flirted with all of my friends. Angel baby! He wakes up once a night to eat, nurses very efficiently, and goes right back to sleep til 7 when he's ready to start the day. I never forced a schedule on him, but the little man made his own schedule and sticks to it like crazy! Makes my life so much easier. He rarely cries. He'll fuss if he's hungry and I'm taking to long to start feeding him, or if he's ready for a nap and has gotten a little overtired. He did cry in the car on the way home from Maryland yesterday, but only for about 5 minutes before conking out. Then another minute or so just as I was pulling in the driveway. When I got him out of his seat he was all smiles :) He's 10 weeks now. About 12 1/2 pounds and 24 inches long. I can't belive in a couple weeks he'll be 3 months!!!!!!!! Where did the time go??
Oh an example of how good my baby is... I put him in the swing a little while ago and he fell asleep. The swing is behind the couch I'm sitting on, I just peeked over to check on him, and he has woken up from his nap, but is just looking around and snuggling his little stuffed elephant that he loves. Such a cutie boy :) I'm going to end this with a few pictures from the wedding and then go give him his 2nd breakfast :)
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