On Saturday we did grocery shopping (I used to like doing that during the week since it's less crowded on weekdays, but now with a newborn and 3 loooong flights of stairs up to our apartment, I go on weekends so James can help) and we went to Babys R Us to buy a small breast pump and some bottles. There's no NEED for Sam to take a bottle since I'm not going back to work anytime soon, but we wanted to try it so that I will have options. I was able to pump a good bit of milk after Sam's feeding when we got home from running errands, and for his next feeding we tried James giving him a bottle. For the first couple minutes Sam just looked confused and kept pushing the bottle out of his mouth with his tongue, but it didn't take him too long to figure it out, and he drank a whole bottle :) I had such mixed emotions while he was eating! Part of me was happy because now I don't have to feel QUITE so tied down 24/7 (not that I mind it!) It's good to know that if I ever need to be away for a little while, little man can still eat. But at the same time I felt sad. Sad because I was missing the sweet bonding time we usually get while he eats. I definitely nursed him for a few minutes after the bottle was gone. He wasn't really hungry, I think it was just comfort nursing more than anything, for both of us! I love all the time I get to spend feeding him and snuggling him close :)
On Sunday we ventured out the movie theater to see Harry Potter 7 part 2. I was SO nervous taking Sam to the theater! I wanted to see HP SO badly and was praying so hard that he would cooperate! We had already pre-ordered tickets, so we got to the theater early and I fed Sam a bit in the car while James went in and picked them up. Sam got his belly filled up and fell asleep while eating. A lot of times during the day I don't worry to much about doing this that will wake him up after he eats, I like him to have awake time after eating. Not this time! haha he unlatched and I verrrrrry carefully and quietly laid him on my chest to carry him in the theater. Once in there I transferred him to James (he sleeps better if James is holding him. I think because he can't stay quite settled knowing I'm the one with the milk! lol) he slept hard through most of the beginning but then started squirming (still mostly asleep) and trying to eat his hands. So I latched him on quick as a flash and let himself eat his way back to sleep. A few times while he was eating I looked down and saw his big eyes looking up at me, but he was quiet and happy! By the time he finished eating he was back to sleep and slept in my arms for the rest of the movie! Little angel! The movie was fantastic and I'm so glad James and I were able to enjoy it together :) I cried my eyes out through the whole movie. It was so sad! Book 7 is my favorite, and now movie 7 is too! I can't believe it's all over though! Harry Potter was such a big part of growing up and it's just crazy that it's all finished! I feel old... lol
Today James had to leave for work at 3:30 for a range and doesn't know when he'll be home, probably not until 7ish. :( I shouldn't complain though since most of the other guys have to stay out there all week, night and day. Since he's a Sgt. he has the option of driving himself to and from the range each day. Some Sgts had to stay all week, but not him. I'm lucky that I've been able to have him around to help so much with the baby! Many (most) military wives are not so lucky!
Sam is taking his long nap right now and I've been getting a little housework done and just relaxing on the couch. I'm thinking later we'll go for a walk (we have a movie to return to the apartment office anyway). I don't think we'll leave the house besides that though. I need a few things from Target, but don't feel like going out really. In my opinion, Mondays are best spent at home :)
Just those ramblings for today. I'll end this post with some pictures of the cutest baby in the world :)
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