Thursday, July 26, 2018

August Bullet Journal Spreads!

I don't know about anybody else, but I swear July never even happened. How is it almost over? Honestly, our July wasn't great. We still managed to get plenty of fun in there, but there were a lot of bad days with illnesses, poison ivy, and car troubles. No wonder it went by in such a blur. Normally, it's my favorite month of the year, but right now I'm feeling ready for a fresh start (and also really excited about starting school again!) so bring on August!

I got to sit down when I had breaks in my day yesterday and today to do my bullet journal spreads for the upcoming month! It's been almost two years now that I've been 'bullet journaling' and I keep waiting for a month where I'm kinda over it and don't do my pages, but it hasn't happened yet! I look forward to and love the days at the end of one month when I sit down and get ready for the new month! I shared back in January what a bullet journal is and how I set mine up for the year. You can find that here. But today I just wanted to share what my pages for August ended up looking like! I've tweaked things here and there since I shared pictures last and I know lots of people are always curious to peek inside bullet journals, so here you go!

This is the first year I've done a habit tracker and I love it so much. Often by the end of the month I'm not great at keeping up with actually filling in the little square (sometimes I am, but there have been months that I'm not), but just knowing this list exists helps me stay on top of these things!

My cleaning schedule tracker is different now than it was in January. What I had been doing before just looked cluttered and wasn't helpful. This tracker (and the schedule itself!) is working great! Our budget page stays the same. It's just the best way I've found to 'Dave Ramsey' the way James gets paychecks.

Monthly menu and shopping list has stayed the same. I started the year though just using the shopping list page to write out the things I needed for the dinners I had written on the menu. I now put my whole list on this page, not just dinners, because it makes it easier to write out into an organized way in the smaller notebook I take grocery shopping.

Monthly calendar pages still the same. Love this layout, especially the spot for future planning since I don't always have the next month's pages done to jot down events as they come up. This works great for me.

2nd or 3rd incarnation of weekly spreads this year and I think I've finally found 'the one'. I like how simple it is and that the whole week is one page, but I have plenty of room to fill in each days' tasks.

And just some fun pages to show how I also keep other types of lists in here, as needed 🙂 I never make these kinds of pages very fancy, just a little doodle or two if I feel like it. I usually end up with 2 or 3 list or planning pages like this at the end of each month's group of pages. I like doing it this way, rather than keeping my lists grouped together elsewhere (or just in a different notebook entirely) because the lists usually pertain to the specific month they're following after. 

And that's all folks! This all took maybe an hour, at the very most and was split up into little chunks of time here and there over 2 days. It's so enjoyable for me to do it that it doesn't ever feel like a lot of work so I wouldn't even mind if it took longer!

Hope this satisfied your curiosity if bullet journals are something that you're into! Happy Almost August!

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